binit’s crazy funky untitled website

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Head to the menu bar to begin exploring my site!

Watch site’s repo on github for updates. I’ve also managed to add a comment section that embeds the repo’s github discussions here as comments down below! You’ll need to sign in through your github id to use it though.


Frequently Asked Questions (I presume)

Why does this exist?

I like to write, I decided.


Why does this site look like sh*t?

This site is inspired from the old internet and the ugliness (if you think so) is (partly) intentional. I have not lived through the early days of the internet^ and never will. But from what I’ve learnt, a lot of these old sites were made as a way to mess around with this new technology, to look unique and personal, to just have fun… Sure it may have been functionally worse and slow and epislepsy-inducing but there were also no cookies or tracking to worry about. I hope to bring a little bit of that vibe here (although maybe I shouldn’t since I might wanna make this some kind of a professional portfolio at some point).

I am also limited by static site generators' theme selection and my unwillingness to learn webdev.

^ defititely been through some of it, back when you’d have 2G internet and flash games were a thing…


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